March 13, 2017 at 6:59 pm
Hi everyone! We're getting things ready for the next round of updates, so in the meantime we're going to talk about some of the demons that Tess & Sarah designed that never made it to the page! Hope you enjoy it! We'll be back Wednesday with another!
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March 9, 2017 at 4:24 pm
Hey everyone! Chapter 2 is over! We just got back from ECCC and we're still recovering, so we're taking this week off and we'll be back at it next week with some dev updates about DEMONS! Cool! Catch you then!
- Ananth, Tessa & Sarah!
Tags: post-ECCC
December 29, 2016 at 3:07 pm
Hey everyone! Things slow down for everyone over the holidays, and so do we! We have three holiday updates!
- The first is by Sarah, and it's of Azalea! CUTE!!!
- The second is by Yuko Ota, who I work with over on! It's a paperdoll of Persephone, protagonist of Barbarous! Read Barbarous here!
- The third is by Tessa! It's an illustration of Logan and the crew over on Tess's flagship comic Not Drunk Enough! Read NDE here!
Hope you're all enjoying the holidays! Catch you in 2017!
December 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm
HEY! The IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED website is LIVE! You can read from the beginning here!
A few quick things! First of all, this is us:
This project is just getting started and the beginning is always the hardest! If you want to support us, Patreon is a great way to do that! We've set up a whole patreon for Is This What You Wanted here:
At some point we'll have things like prints, books and more! That's the plan, anyway! Thanks for reading!